Weihang Guo

I am an incoming Ph.D. student at Rice University advised by Lydia Kavraki. My research centers on long-horizon task and motion planning in real-world execution. I am also honored to collaborate with Zak Kingston and Kaiyu Hang.

I obtained my Master's degree in Computer Science from Rice and a B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science from Lehigh University under the supervision of Rosa Zheng. There, I worked on perception and control, led an autonomous racing team, and co-founded the Lehigh Underwater Robotics team. These efforts earned me the Donald J. Hillman Memorial Award, which is given to the most outstanding senior in AI at Lehigh University.

I enjoy rock climbing, road trips, listening to K-pop.


Selected Projects

Multi-Arm Planning
CaStL: Constraints as Specifications through LLM Translation for Long-Horizon Task and Motion Planning

Weihang Guo, Zachary Kingston, and Lydia E. Kavraki

Multi-Robot Motion Planning
Efficient Multi-Robot Motion Planning for Manifold-Constrained Manipulators by Randomized Scheduling and Informed Path Generation

Weihang Guo, Zachary Kingston, Kaiyu Hang, and Lydia E. Kavraki

Autonomous Driving and Robotic Racing
Autonomous Driving and Robotic Racing

Team Leader, Instructed by Prof. Rosa Zheng

  • Proposed and implemented an autonomous system that can detect opponent vehicles and switch between overtaking and optimal path; Implemented and tuned a PID control; Utilized particle filter and Google Cartographer for localization and SLAM.
Underwater Robotics Development
Autonomous Underwater Robotics Development

Software Team Leader, Instructed by Prof. Rosa Zheng

  • Collected and augmented data on underwater left/right turn signs, and tuned a YOLO model to detect them; Deployed the model on Nvidia Jetson Nano.

Selected Honors

Jason Chahin Innovation Scholar, Rice University
Donald J. Hillman Memorial Award in AI, Lehigh University
Mountaintop Research Fellowship, Lehigh University
Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Academic Achievement, Lehigh University
2nd place at 10th F1TENTH Autonomous Grand Prix, ICRA 2022
Blue Robotics Special Awards, Robosub 2022

Teaching Experience

TA for COMP 450: Algorithmic Robotics | Fall 2024
TA for ECE 450: Internet of Things (Graduate Level) | Spring 2023
Head TA for ENGR 005: Autonomous Driving and Robotic Racing | Fall 2022
TA for CSE 498: Computer Vision (Graduate Level) | Spring 2022
Class Grader
  • CSE140: Foundations of Discrete Structures and Algorithms: Spring & Fall 2022, Spring 2023
  • CSE202: Computer Organization and Architecture: Spring 2022

A picture of me from February 2020.